Recently, the treatment of potency in men with folk remedies is very important. According to statistics, at present, every third man suffers from various sexual dysfunctions, as a result of which there is a decrease in libido and potency to varying degrees. As a result, a man becomes unable to lead a normal sexual life, and this negatively affects his psychological state and overall quality of life.Previously, this problem was observed mainly in older men, but now it overtakes the representatives of the stronger sex at any age.
At the present stage of development, medicine is able to provide significant assistance in overcoming this disease, but many are embarrassed to contact specialists. One of the ways out in this situation can be treatment with folk remedies. But still, it is necessary to treat this disease under the supervision of doctors. A competent combination of medical recommendations and traditional medicine recipes can quickly help in the treatment of potency. There are a huge number of recipes in which the treatment of potency with folk remedies is quite effective.
Factors affecting male power
From Latin potentia is translated into Russian as "opportunity". It means the ability to perform sexual intercourse by the male body. This term is used only in relation to men and describes their sexual life. Male potency is determined by the speed of occurrence and duration of erection, the quality of ejaculation.
There are many known causes that cause a violation of male potency. But the most common reasons are:
- obesity;
- alcohol and drugs, as well as nicotine;
- stress;
- uncontrolled use of a number of drugs;
- various diseases (cardiovascular diseases, spinal injuries, sexually transmitted diseases, some infections).

Healthy lifestyle
To increase potency at home, you should start by establishing a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, you should stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, you need to start playing sports, adjust your weight, learn to relax, and avoid stressful situations. And also improve the diet, eat more protein foods that increase potency.
A huge number of folk recipes are known, which from time immemorial have helped to improve male power and answered the question of how to cure impotence. But to achieve the maximum effect of one or another method of traditional medicine, you need to use it regularly and for a long time.

The recipe for an effective remedy
So, 1 liter of white ordinary wine is combined with 200 g of orange juice, 100 g of lemon juice, 20 g of liquor, 80 g of honey, add a pinch of cardamom and cloves (cinnamon can be), a couple of mint leaves. This mixture is stirred and heated a little, then placed in a glass container and taken to a cold place, filtered after three days. They drink the drink warm before making love.

Treatment with folk remedies is varied. One of the most common products is carrots, which, according to ongoing research, significantly increase potency and, in addition, have a number of positive effects on the body. There are various recipes using carrots:
- 10 g of honey is mixed in 200 g of carrot juice, unrefined olive oil is added. Take daily for 30 days.
- Freshly squeezed carrot juice is combined with honey in equal amounts. Use three times a day for three tablespoons.
- In 200 g of milk, boil 2 tbsp for 10 minutes. l. grated carrots. Drink 100 g on an empty stomach three times a day.
- Combine an equal amount of apple and carrot juices, add honey. Consume 3 times a day for a quarter cup, 30 minutes before meals.
Treatment of potency at home involves the widespread use of various medicinal herbs and complex preparations based on them. The action of herbal medicine is softer and more gentle, but a positive effect is possible only with constant use.
One of the plants that have male hormones in its composition is St. John's wort, which is effective in the treatment of potency and many other diseases. To prepare the infusion, take a teaspoon of herbs and put it in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water there and let it brew for 60 minutes. Drink it 20 g, 30 minutes before meals, four times a day.
Another recipe for an effective tincture with St. John's wort. They take 50 g of St. John's wort, cornelian fruit, raspberry and blackcurrant leaves, European hogweed seeds, 100 g of celery and fennel fruits. Everyone pours 2 liters of red wine. The mixture is placed in a dark place and shaken regularly. After a month, filter. Use it only after meals, 50 g each.

The recipe for another medicinal collection: 30 g of St. John's wort, 25 g of valerian rhizome, 10 g of immortelle inflorescences and calendula flowers. Then 20 g of this collection is poured into 200 g of boiling water, allowed to brew, then cooled and filtered. Drink one tablespoon daily.
Calamus ordinary also increases sexual activity. A tincture is also prepared from it. Why calamus rhizome is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1: 5, insisted for a day. Use should be 50 drops three times a day, on an empty stomach.
You can also increase potency at home with the help of parsnips. Parsnip root is recommended as a seasoning for various meat and fish dishes. In addition, an infusion is prepared from its seeds: a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water, take half a glass.
Many people know that ordinary greens (dill, cilantro, parsley) also increase potency. For this, it is used both in raw and dried form. A special infusion is prepared, which is drunk 100 g 30 minutes before meals. Why 5 g of greens pour 200 g of boiling water.
It is very actively used in various diseases of the mummy. It can also be used for erectile dysfunction. To do this, take a small piece, the size of a wheat grain, and dilute it in 20 g of boiled water. It should be drunk twice a day on an empty stomach, 15-30 days.
To increase male strength, such a fee is also used. Combine 5 tsp. hypericum, nettle, mint and red clover. Stir and pour 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos. Insist 20 minutes and then filter. Infusion must be drunk per day in 3-4 doses.
One of the effective means is also odorous celery. For treatment, take a teaspoon of freshly squeezed celery juice 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
Ginseng root is also called the root of love, because it has been used for many centuries to increase potency in men. The drug is prepared from it as follows: 100 g of ginseng root is poured into 500 ml of water, left for 2 days, then boiled for about 4 hours, put 1 tbsp. l. honey and cinnamon. Take half a glass after meals.
The use of honey and nuts
Honey and various types of nuts have been used by different peoples of the world for the treatment of male impotence since ancient times. Therefore, there are many very tasty recipes.

The simplest is when honey is mixed with walnut kernels in equal amounts. Apply three times a day for a teaspoon, half an hour after a meal, washed down with warm milk. The course of treatment is 30 days.
Treatment with folk remedies for low potency is very popular in the Caucasus. It combines milk with nuts. Within a month, you need to eat one glass of peeled walnuts daily and drink natural milk with honey dissolved in it. The daily rate is divided into three doses. The course can be repeated after a two-week rest.
The fruits of pine nuts are very useful: they act on potency and significantly increase the body's immunity.
Well helps cedar milk. To get it, the kernels of pine nuts are ground and stirred with water, getting a milky mass. Apply daily for 100 g.
Thus, if potency is impaired, treatment with folk remedies will help restore male power.